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Business Segment Overview

A Diversified, High-Quality Business Portfolio

Our portfolio positions us to deliver differentiated performance and operating margins in any market environment.

ITW’s diversified business portfolio is comprised of seven market-leading segments that operate in industries where product performance matters most to the customer and the best solution wins. Our businesses operate all over the world, so we can remain close to our customers.

By the Numbers

2022 Total Company Revenue by Segment

Automotive OEM (19%)
Construction Products (13%)
Food Equipment (15%)
Polymers & Fluids (12%)
Specialty Products (11%)
Test & Measurement and Electronics (18%)
Welding (12%)
$15.9 Total 2022 Revenue (in billions)
23.8% Total 2022 Operating Margin
~19,200 Total Patent Portfolio (Granted and pending as of Dec. 2022)
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